Augmented Reality

Poetry & Art App

Watch my Youtube page to see how the app works. Click here: How to Use the App


Dragging Circles - in AR

South Park St - Montclair, NJ

AR Poetry & Art -

The Story

Anytime I tell someone that I write poetry, one of their first questions is if I'm published? (I'm not, but that's another venture).

While I understand the romanticism of having a physical book and reading it under a throw, I've always had this urge to make my poetry interactive; I wanted the reader to get the sense that they were a part of the art, the reason being, to create a stronger connection between the audience (you), the art, and me.

I just didn't know how.

The best I could do was create animated poem videos with Adobe. They're great, but I wanted more interactivity!

Years later, at a bar with friends, one of them took his phone out to play the Augmented Reality (AR) Pokemon Go game.

Through his screen, I saw a Pokemon on top of the table at the bar! Right away I had the idea to marry AR with my art.

I said to myself, this is what I was waiting for, technology finally caught up to make AR accessible in anyone’s hand since almost everyone has a smart phone/device. This is the interactivity I was looking for with my poetry.

I needed to learn this technology, so I took some online courses, and a couple of years later I published the app.

After some iterations and major changes, I finally had the app "ready", but like most people, you always feel that you can make it better, and so you hold off on telling anyone about it until it's "perfect".

Of course, I've now learned that you just have to take action, because it's never going to be exact and it's always going to be changing because my creativity changes.

This is evident in the fact that I added 3 other sections to the app. Click on the links to go to their page or scroll down for a brief intro to them.

Click here to learn more about the AR Poetry section.

AR Art

AR experiences with certain wall art and eco-clothes with those same artworks of mine, which you can purchase from my shop art page.

Click here to find out more about AR Art.

AR Self Care

AR self-care section with breathing exercises, because if you don’t take care of yourself, then it’s very hard to connect to yourself and others.

You can open it up anytime you need to de-stress, whether you're home on the couch, in line at a store, wherever.

Click here to find out more about AR Self Care.

AR Words

We also need connection with others. This is why I created the Multiplayer AR Words section in my app. This section actually has a dual use.

One, it’s to create fun art with words and the other is for connection.

Click here to find out more about Multiplayer AR Words.

Download the App Now

Download it now from the Apple App Store.

Download it now from the Google Play Store.